Tour Surprise Schengen

A unique street art project was carried out in the municipality of Schengen this year. Under the direction of Treepack, no fewer than 10 locations have been embellished with playful interventions. These interventions in turn form an interactive tour of the municipality, accessible to everyone, young and old. Residents and visitors to Schengen are thus invited to rediscover their municipality through art in public spaces and to admire these playful artistic interventions during a true "Tour Surprise."

A total of ten special locations have been transformed into colorful works of street art. Thanks to an interactive map, these spots can be discovered by visitors of all ages. The artworks play with the unusual shapes of objects in the cityscape and quickly conjure smiles from onlookers and locals alike.

Those who want to admire these works of art can now take the adventure. The "Tour Surprise" offers an educational and fun route suitable for young and old. This is the perfect excursion on a summer day to enjoy the hidden gems that the municipality of Schengen has to offer. The promenade has a total length of several kilometers and is also accessible for wheelchair users and baby carriages.

So with this project, Schengen becomes the first municipality in Luxembourg to offer such a cultural walk. Treepack has created a kind of open-air museum that amazes locals and visitors to Schengen. Who knows, maybe in the future other works of art will complete the "Tour Surprise"!


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Young Koersgeweld - Dijleland Gravel Road

The work refers to the many supporters who cheered on the riders in their...

Jong Koersgeweld - Dwars door het Hageland Gravelroute

The abstract work of a cyclist in the midst of a cloud of dust, makes one dream away to the competition "Through the...

Jong Koersgeweld - Sven Nys Gravelroute

Artist Sam Billen's work breathes cyclocross. A few riders hunched over their handlebars, plowing their way through...

Young Race - R. EV 1703 Cycling Route

The artwork "Rainbow Remco : Aerobullet" shows a monumental portrait of top talent Remco Evenepoel. The portrait exudes power...

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Take your wall or space to the next level and let our knowledge guide you. With our proven process, every idea becomes a reality.

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Treepack BV
Leuven, Belgium
Telephone: +32 484 71 95 34

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