The city of Harelbeke invited Treepack for a second time to prepare the city for the world of tomorrow. This time we do this with a big Tour Elentrik, with no less than 20 professional and local artists. The city is committed to sustainability, renewable energy and a green future. That is why the theme of this Tour Elentrik was 'Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)'.
The designs for the ugly electricity boxes revolved around 5 goals of the SDGs:
- SDG 10 - Reduce inequality
- SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
- SDG 13 - Climate Action
- SDG 14 - Living in water
- SDG 15 - Living on water
For example, there were wonderful results about eliminating contradictions (man/woman, north/south), alternative energy, fish in the Lys again and local animals. The hashtag #OarelbekeWeireldstad was also mentioned again. It came to life last year when, together with Lobster Robin and Simon Mannaerts ,we transformed the pedestrian tunnel under the railway at Harelbeke station into a real work of art.